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According to a recent study from Enboarder, a survey of over 1,500 full-time employees globally reveals that low engagement and connection levels in distributed workplaces is becoming increasingly common.

The survey results further illustrate the critical importance of HR professionals in addressing these issues, highlighting the pivotal role they have to play in making sure that employees stay connected, engaged, and productive.

New Study from Enboarder Reveals HR’s Pivotal Role in Solving Low Engagement and Connection in Distributed Workplaces

The 2021 Distributed Workplace Collaboration study, conducted by Enboarder in partnership with HRWins, surveyed over 700 HR practitioners from seven countries worldwide to capture their insights and experience regarding remote workforces. The goal of this study is to better understand the current challenges faced by distributed teams and the strategies being employed to address these challenges.

This new study investigates how organisations manage employee engagement and connection in a distributed workplace while balancing competing demands for employee performance, safe working conditions, productivity, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. The findings spotlight how the human resources (HR) department plays a pivotal role in optimising remote collaborations by influencing culture building strategies that enable employees in different locations to come together as productive members of an effective organisation.

Furthermore, this research seeks a broader understanding of how shifting technological capabilities enable new or improved working methods that increase engagement and connection among distributed teams while leveraging existing strengths which can be further developed over time through collaborative practices.

Purpose of the article

This article aims to explore the topic of distributed work environments from the perspective of human resources and how HR departments can improve their organisation’s remote working experience.

A recent study by Enboarder outlines several valuable insights into the areas where HR can take action to resolve existing disconnect between workplace engagement and connection in distributed-work settings. The study surveyed a variety of workplaces across a wide range of industries on their corporate culture, employee engagement, and relationship dynamics.

This article will evaluate some of these key findings, analysing what they mean for businesses with distributed working models, and dive deeper into solutions that HR departments can leverage to improve employee connection and engagement. By understanding these findings and properly responding to them, businesses can enhance their remote work environment while developing an engaged workforce who feels an authentic sense of belonging.

Overview of the Study

The recently released study from Enboarder offers an insightful look into the role HR plays in solving the problem of low engagement and connection in distributed workplaces. The study surveyed over 1500 participants from around the globe to understand the issues plaguing remote and distributed workforces.

This article will discuss the study’s key findings and provide a comprehensive overview of the study’s results.

Findings from the study

Enboarder recently released a study exploring low engagement and connection in distributed workplaces. Based on a survey of over 1,000 workers from three countries distributed geographically, the study found that organisations face serious issues regarding employee engagement and connection among their remote workers. The findings show that although companies are taking significant steps to support remote employees, HR teams must take the lead role in understanding and addressing these issues to improve employee well-being.

The study found a pronounced disconnect between how organisations perceive their efforts and what their distributed employees are experiencing. Specifically, while nearly one-third of employers indicate they work hard to ensure each person feels part of the team regardless of location, most (81%) of employees working remotely report feeling disconnected from their colleagues and organisation. This suggests that while employers may think they have managed this transition successfully, there is still much more work to be done if they want to ensure every employee feels connected no matter where they are located.

Other key findings include:

  • Lack of human connection was by far the most significant challenge for those working remotely (55%), followed by productivity (17%)
  • 73% indicated inadequate onboarding as part of the problem
  • 52% said lack of manager support was a major challenge
  • Struggles with technology were also commonly reported (43%)

The report emphasises that employers need to recognize the problem and take proactive steps to ensure all employees — regardless of location — feel engaged, supported and connected with their workplace community. That includes leveraging digital communication tools such as video conferencing, investing in training programs for managers on remote working best practices and offering enhanced onboarding experiences for everyone involved in the initial stages – including new hires and teams being onboarded remotely.

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Implications for HR professionals

The new study from Enboarder reveals the crucial role HR professionals can take to help solve low engagement and connection in distributed workplaces. In addition, this study presents valuable insights into factors that fuel engagement and connectedness and how HR professionals can support employees during onboarding, performance management, and employee development.

Through interviews with over 200 HR professionals at companies with 1-200 distributed employees, the study found that while distributed workforces are becoming more commonplace, organisations are struggling to maintain meaningful connections between remote workers—only 45% of respondents said their organisations have adequate systems in place to manage remote employees. How organisations onboard and manage their remote teams is especially important for maintaining connection and engagement for these groups.

To help HR teams develop effective strategies that boost connectedness, the study comprehensively explains how professional relationships are formed over a distance. It highlights key opportunities for HR professionals to foster engaged employees who feel supported from afar: from pre-onboarding strategies like establishing a solid means of communication (el video conferencing) to post-onboarding tactics such as regular check-ins with supervisors/managers or virtual team building activities.

Overall, this research demonstrates just how pivotal the role of HR professionals will become to ensure their organisations’ success leveraging remote teams. Through deliberate efforts outlined by this research, employers can create strong connections between coworkers who may never have met face-to-face by leveraging digital tools along with intentional efforts geared towards helping individuals feel seen at a distance.

Strategies to Enhance Engagement and Connection

A new study from Enboarder has shown that HR has a pivotal role in solving low engagement and connection in distributed workplaces. Furthermore, this study revealed that HR can positively influence and drive employee engagement and connection in distributed workplaces.

To enhance engagement and connection, there are several strategies that HR can implement. In this article, we will explore the strategies that can be employed to address low engagement and connection in distributed workplaces.

Use technology to create a virtual workspace

The Enboarder 2020 “Connected Workplace” survey found that just 15% of organisations feel they have achieved high employee engagement and connection with their distributed and remote workers. One effective strategy to remediate this issue is to use technology to create a virtual workspace. Setting up a virtual workspace allows employees to interact with their team and managers in an organised and connected manner, enabling them to stay informed, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

At its foundation, it should be structured around digital collaboration tools such as video conferencing applications or project management systems. This allows teams a platform for proper communication by providing access to messaging services and permits secure file sharing capabilities so teammates can safely upload documents for review or mark-up as needed. Also consider utilising features such as video meetings (as compared to phone or email) that allow members of the group an opportunity for real-time interaction with other team members, allowing them an environment where they can ask questions, give feedback, brainstorm solutions and keep everyone in the loop on progress with tasks.

Additionally, software tools designed specifically for virtual work environments – such as HR Onboarding solutions – can make it easier to engage employees while they are working in different locations by facilitating activities necessary during onboarding periods (new hire paperwork, signing documents electronically etc), answer employee questions quickly and promote automated flow of information between departments. Proper technology implementation will help create an environment where remote teams remain connected regardless of their separation which is essential for creating trust between coworkers in different locations; something that’s hard without face-to-face encounters even when digital or cultural events are held due to the sense of competition generated versus collaboration amongst those attending the same physical event space.

Create an effective onboarding process

Creating an effective onboarding process is essential for any distributed workplace. This can be achieved by ensuring that the onboarding experience is comprehensive and tailored to the immediate role of each new employee. Therefore, one of the primary strategies for increasing engagement and connection in a distributed team is ensuring that the onboarding process speaks to employees’ needs and interests, as well as their aspirations, values and beliefs.

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Onboarding should include all members of the organisation from entry level up through executive levels as well as any remote workers — all should feel included in the organisation from day one. An individualised approach that communicates roles, expectations and goals helps increase engagement, trust and loyalty among employees who are separated geographically. As stated in a recent report by Enboarder, “when new employees become engaged with their team quickly, it boosts overall morale, boosts productivity and sets the stage for long-term success in distributed workplaces.”

Furthermore, personalised onboarding should include events such as meet-and-greets with key stakeholders both online (email/video calls) or offline (if feasible), virtual tours of work environments or sites related to job duties (when appropriate), discussion forums on company values or culture where teams can build relationships with one another and socialise outside of work responsibilities. Additionally HR representatives should stay connected with newly hired employees throughout their first 30 days at work so they don’t become disconnected or disoriented quickly due to communication gaps. Finally, training programs on acceptable guidelines for working remotely that establish healthy boundaries between personal and work life can further help support the easy development of relationships between dispersed colleagues.

Develop a culture of feedback

Building a culture of feedback is the most important step in building engagement and connection within a distributed workplace. A feedback culture requires employees to feel comfortable providing positive and constructive feedback. They should also be encouraged to seek regular feedback from their colleagues, team leaders and supervisors.

Through a combination of surveys, conversations and other data-driven research methods, HR professionals can develop an understanding of their organisation’s unique challenges regarding engagement and connection. Once the issues are identified, HR can create effective strategies that align with business needs while building employee connection.

To ensure effective strategies in the long run, it’s essential to assess employee needs regularly throughout different phases in the business cycle or project timeline. Anonymous surveys offer employees a safe space to express their thoughts without fear of retribution or humiliation. This allows for honest feedback from all team members that reflects positive and negative experiences within the organisation.

Organisations should ask qualitative and quantitative questions when assessing employee needs, such as “Do you feel connected with your peers?” or “What are three things you would like implemented to boost engagement?” By utilising these questions during an assessment process, employers can gain specific yet actionable insights into what their employees need to improve engagement and connection within their distributed workplaces. Moreover, by seeking solutions tailored towards individual team member needs, organisations have a greater chance of improving levels of engagement as well as forming stronger connections among teammates (Enboarder).

Benefits of Enhancing Engagement and Connection

Enhancing engagement and connection can be vital to the success of any distributed workplace. A recent study from Enboarder reveals the importance of HR professionals in solving the issue of low engagement and connection in distributed workplaces.

This article will discuss the benefits associated with enhancing engagement and connection and the strategies companies can use to increase engagement and connection within their distributed teams.

Improved employee engagement and productivity

Recent research from leadership development firm Enboarder’s in-depth study of global dispersed workforce found employee engagement is paramount to successful distributed working. The study suggests HR professionals are pivotal in keeping employees connected and engaged.

Enhancing employee engagement and connection can lead to improved productivity, better collaboration and higher morale in the workplace. Here are some tips for HR professionals:

1. Foster open communication and trust among staff members by engaging them regularly through meaningful activities that create a sense of team building and giving them time to bond with each other outside of work tasks.

2. Create an environment where diversity is valued so everyone feels supported and appreciated for their unique talents and experiences.

3. Develop clear career path plans for distributed team members, focusing on how they can reach their goals within the organisation and gain new skills outside the scope of their current job description.

4. Encourage employee feedback about company policies, procedures, or organisational culture, emphasising understanding the issues at hand objectively before taking action towards any changes or improvements that need to be made within the organisation.

5. Guideways remote employees can remain positive during difficult times like pandemics or market dips through activities such as virtual lunch meetings or yoga sessions with colleagues across different locations.

These strategies can help boost your remote workforce’s effectiveness by helping members feel more connected with each other and having a sense of purpose within the organisation itself –– ultimately leading to improvements in engagement levels and overall work productivity amongst your distributed teams!

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Increased collaboration and communication

Increased collaboration and communication in a distributed workplace is key to eliminating confusion, improving motivation, and fostering better employee connections. New research from Enboarder suggests that HR is important in driving success in this area.

The research found that companies with high engagement and connection among cross-functional or distributed teams report higher performance outcomes than those with lower scores. One way to boost engagement and connection is through technology solutions that facilitate sharing ideas, feedback and critique at all points throughout a project or workday. Additionally, HR’s role should be focused on opportunities to ensure that technology not only supports but empowers employees to collaborate more freely – such as providing clear channels for communication along with measures such as team-building activities or virtual forums for discussion/ideation. Finally, HR needs to invest in initiatives such as training programs that educate employees on communication best practices and strategies for remaining engaged when virtual teams are managed from different parts of the world.

By investing in programs designed to increase collaboration, communication, and connection within distributed workforces, businesses can position themselves strategically to reach their goals – no matter where they’re located.

Increased employee satisfaction

A new study from Enboarder reveals that HR’s pivotal role in distributed workplaces is central to keeping employee satisfaction and engagement high. Involving HR across all stages of the onboarding journey significantly correlates with employees feeling more connected, engaged and loyal.

The study found that HR professionals and managers must go beyond onboarding documents and orientations to increase employee satisfaction. HR should set goals to ensure organised onboarding, offer proactive personalised interactions, develop strategies for fostering engagement opportunities, create multiple channels for feedback, and monitor ongoing performance at regular intervals. Reinvestment in each hire also presents a unique opportunity to build relationships with other departments like IT and sales to better align them with the goals of Human Resources.

The Enboarder study strongly implies that successful organisational engagement involves attention paid to each individual’s complete integration into their team or location by supporting consistency inside virtual conversations, attending regular online meetings, providing adequate learning resources for remote employees, setting achievable objectives from an overall strategy viewpoint rather than an individualistic approach preferences around collaboration tools like Zoom or Slack communication tools, keeping a loose hold on strictly defined company tasks as well being comfortable about larger-scale changes in management roles such as allowing department heads to take part in managing issues across remote areas.

When executing this plan of increased employee satisfaction, thorough knowledge of entry criteria is important. Hence, exceptional talent and a solid understanding of remote work policies are available remotely through various virtual team building activities such as mandala activities or even fuzzy shape drawing games. Employee appreciation technical trainings can be extremely useful where there are tech gaps between different teams working together towards meeting common goals or objectives- possibly breaking down the language barriers involved when working across large geographical areas or multicultural backgrounds. Intranet training sessions ranging from customer service communications to digital security guidelines build trust which leads to better organisational wellbeing across the board- influencing dramatically how companies use data-driven insights helps create an improved picture of success every single time a goal is achieved by any worker’s effort which eventually leads to increased employee satisfaction on a global scale through integrated results reporting methods widely accepted by all participants involved within distributed workplace teams no matter their working context or current location.

tags = HR’s Pivotal Role, Enboarder, People Activation Platform, science-based, human-centric journeys, sydneybased enboarder series newspringwiggersventurebeat, sydneybased enboarder hr 32m newspringwiggersventurebeat, designed to inspire action, HR programs, Brent Pearson