There is no definitive answer to this question as WWE does not release contract details or salary information for its wrestlers. However, based on various reports and estimates, it is believed that the lowest paid WWE wrestler earns somewhere in the range of $500-$1,000 per year. Keep in mind that these are just estimates, and the actual figure could be lower or higher.

Some of the lowest paid WWE wrestlers are likely those who are signed to developmental contracts and are yet to debut on WWE’s main roster. Once a wrestler is called up to the main roster, their salary is likely to increase significantly. Additionally, wrestlers who are featured prominently on WWE programming (such as TV shows and pay-per-views) tend to earn more than those who are used sparingly.

Lowest paid wwe wrestler

Surprising, lowest paid wrestler in the WWE is a female. Though women have come a long way in the WWE and have been treated more fairly in recent years, they are still not making as much as their male counterparts. In fact, the current lowest paid wrestler in the WWE is Paige. While her exact salary is not public knowledge, it has been rumored to be around $30,000 per year. This is a far cry from what the top male wrestlers make. John Cena, for example, reportedly makes over $5 million per year.

This discrepancy is even more shocking when you consider that Paige is one of the most popular wrestlers on the roster. So why does she earn so little compared to her male counterparts? The answer likely has to do with entrenched gender inequalities and assumptions about women’s roles and value in society. Despite being an incredibly talented performer and crowd favorite, Paige still earns significantly less than her male counterparts because she is a woman. This needs to change if we ever want to see true equality in professional wrestling and beyond.

Introduce the wrestler and their role in WWE

Paige is a professional wrestler who is currently signed to WWE. She is one of the most popular wrestlers on the roster, but she is also one of the lowest paid. Her annual salary is rumored to be around $30,000, which is significantly less than what top male wrestlers make. This discrepancy is likely due to entrenched gender inequalities and assumptions about women’s roles and value in society. Despite being an incredibly talented performer and crowd favorite, Paige still earns significantly less than her male counterparts because she is a woman. This needs to change if we ever want to see true equality in professional wrestling and beyond.

Discuss their salary and what they had to do to earn it

Paige’s exact salary is not public knowledge, but it is rumored to be around $30,000 per year. This is a far cry from what the top male wrestlers make. John Cena, for example, reportedly makes over $5 million per year. The discrepancy between Paige’s salary and Cena’s is likely due to entrenched gender inequality and assumptions about women’s roles and value in society. Despite being an incredibly talented performer and crowd favorite, Paige still earns significantly less than her male counterparts because she is a woman. This needs to change if we ever want to see true equality in professional wrestling and beyond.

Compare them to other, higher paid wrestlers

Paige is not the only female wrestler who is paid less than her male counterparts. In fact, all female wrestlers in WWE are paid less than their male counterparts. This discrepancy is likely due to entrenched gender inequality and assumptions about women’s roles and value in society. Despite being incredibly talented performers and crowd favorites, female wrestlers still earn significantly less than their male counterparts because they are women. This needs to change if we ever want to see true equality in professional wrestling and beyond.