Coaches in high school football leagues make more money than you may think. In fact, the average salary for a head coach in a public school district is $66,719. This is according to the National Association of State Directors of Athletics (NASDAQ). Assistant coaches make an average of $41,851.

There are many factors that go into how much a coach makes. The size of the school district or private school, the coaching experience of the coach, and the amount of money the school has allocated for coaching salaries are all factors.

The average salary for a football coach in the United States is $51,000

This is true according to, which shows that the average salary for a football coach in the United States is $51,000. However, this number varies depending on the level of coaching.

For example, the average salary for a head coach in high school is $66,719, while the average salary for a head coach in college is $73,118. Private schools typically pay their coaches more than public schools. The average salary for a head coach in a private school is $101,023. Assistant coaches make an average of $58,462.

Coaches are paid based on their experience and the size of the school they work for

This is also true, as coaches are typically paid more as they gain more experience. In addition, the size of the school district or private school can also play a role in how much a coach makes. For example, the average salary for a head coach in a public school district is $66,719, while the average salary for a head coach in a private school is $101,023.

Some coaches make over $100,000 per year lists the average salary for a head coach in college at $73,118. This is significantly more than the average salary for a head coach in high school. However, even high school coaches can make a good living.

The National Association of State Directors of Athletics reports that the average salary for a head coach in a public school district is $66,719. This is a respectable salary, and assistant coaches typically make around $41,851. Private schools typically pay their coaches more than public schools, with the average salary for a head coach in a private school being $101,023.

Many football coaches also have other jobs to supplement their income

Although many football coaches make a good living, many also have other jobs to supplement their income. reports that the average salary for a football coach in the United States is $51,000. However, this number varies depending on the level of coaching.

For example, the average salary for a head coach in high school is $66,719, while the average salary for a head coach in college is $73,118. Therefore, many coaches have other jobs to make up for the difference.

How much do high school football coaches make

High school football coaches make a good living. The average salary for a head coach in a public school district is $66,719. Assistant coaches make an average of $41,851. Private schools typically pay their coaches more than public schools.

The average salary for a head coach in a private school is $101,023. Assistant coaches make an average of $58,462. Some coaches make over $100,000 per year. Many football coaches also have other jobs to supplement their income.

Despite making more money than most people, football coaches are often criticized and scrutinized

Even though making more money than most people, football coaches are often criticized and scrutinized. They are often paid high salaries, but many people believe that they do not deserve this amount of money. Coaches are often criticized for their team’s performance, and they are often blamed when their team loses. In addition, coaches are often criticized for their decisions during the game.